Lightweight dry suit fo children, to be worn under an outer layer
Ursuit MPS Multi Purpose Suit Junior is a lightweight dry suit fo children, to be worn under an outer layer like a traditional foul-weather gear. Thanks to the breathable Gore-Tex® fabric, the suit will keep the underwear dry, even when worn together with outer clothing that does not breathe, for instance a floating overall. The suit is worn in situations where the outer garments have to be changed according to varying conditions.
Materials: body Gore-Tex® Bruessel, socks Gore-Tex® Gotland
Seam construction: double seams so that the seam will not open even when worn. Inside the seams are heat seal taped and reinforced to be 100 % water tight.
Dry zipper: A very light new type of dry zipper, opening at the neck.
Neck seal: Patterned 2,5 mm super stretch neoprene. For easy dressing and undressing the patterned rubber surface is on the outside.
Wrist seals: super stretch neoprene, easy to dress and undress. The neoprene also keeps you warm in cold conditions.
Packaging includes: the suit, repair kit, instructions, a hat and a carrying bag.
12 month warranty
Product information
- Sizes: 20cm välein 100-160