Privacy Policy

Last updated: 4th February 2020 (contact details)

We at Scandinavian Outdoor appreciate your privacy and understand our responsibility when collecting and storing data. We take data protection very seriously and we always use the best possible measures to take care of all of the data that we collect, receive or store. We also find it important to provide our customers with the opportunity to access their own data or to be completely forgotten.

You must agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy to use Scandinavian Outdoor's services.

Briefly, what kind of data is collected and stored?

We collect and store the following types of data:

  • Data provided by the user
  • Data stored from the use of Scandinavian Outdoor's web services
  • Data derived from analytics

All of these three types of data are explained in more detail in the section “What kind of data do we collect and store?”

Briefly, for what purposes is the data used?

  • For providing the service in a safe and user-friendly way
  • For providing product recommendations and improving marketing
  • For improving the webstore and customer service
  • For improving user experience

Read more from the section "What is my data used for?"

Data controller

Scandinavian Outdoor Oy,
Lukkosepänkatu 7, 20320, Turku, Finland.
Telephone number +358 (0)10 3970 550
Finnish company ID: Y-2066059-1

For questions or concerns regarding the data registry, please contact:
CEO, Johanna Rantala, telephone number +358 (0)400 219 940
Data protection officer:
VP, Olli Lahdenkauppi, telephone number +358 (0)50 359 97 69

The name of the registry

Scandinavian Outdoor's customer register

What kind of data do we collect and store?

Data provided by the user

  • Name, username and password
  • Telephone number, email address and physical address
  • Billing information and payment information
  • Our nearest physical store location
  • Location data, used for localizing the service (default currency, default language, online store's delivery method)
  • Information of whether you're a member of Suomen Partiolaiset ry (The Guides and Scouts of Finland) and if yes, the member ID
  • Information of whether you're a member of Suomen Latu ry and if yes, the member ID
  • The email address and token required for Google or Facebook login
  • Product reviews
  • Marketing permissions and if agreed separately, customer survey permissions

Data stored from the use of Scandinavian Outdoor's web services

  • Shipping address and payment method
  • Shopping history: Ordered products, refunds and payments
  • Online store's browsing and usage data
  • Identification information of the device used
  • Online store session events, for example products added to the cart

Data derived from analytics

  • Product recommendations derived from browsing and shopping data, customer groups and interests

What is my data used for?

Personal data is used for the following:

  • Processing orders: Processing, receiving, shipping, archiving and accounting
  • Providing more interesting and personalized content and marketing
  • Improving customer experience and customer service
  • Facilitating and speeding up product returns
  • Maintaining customer relationship

Cookies and other tracking

When you visit the Scandinavian Outdoor online store, your web browser automatically receives a cookie. We use different kinds of cookies to provide our users with optimized and personalized service. We also use some third-party cookies to improve the functionality of our online service, improve user experience and optimize communication and marketing.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that a web browser stores on a user's device. Cookies are used, for example, when an Internet site wants to retain the user's information when the user moves from one page to another. Use of cookies always requires user's consent. With a cookie, the Scandinavian Outdoor website can identify your visit and provide personalized information that is of interest to you. The cookies we store are only available to Scandinavian Outdoor's servers, and they do not include any of your personal data. The cookies we store collect user statistics so that we can personalize the content of our site and improve our service even further.

How long is the cookie valid?

The cookies stored on your device are valid for a maximum of 24 months starting from the date of each visit.

How do I avoid cookies?

You can find information about how to avoid cookies at However, some cookies are required for the smooth use of our online store, so we recommend that you allow cookies. If you need more information, please contact us by email at

You can find more information about cookies on Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority's web page at:

Third-party cookies

Who can process my data and where is my data stored?

We adhere to good data protection practices when processing customer data. Access to data is monitored. As of May 25, 2018, the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation have been taken into account in our operations and our operations are in line with these requirements.

The customer register data is stored in a system, which requires a username and a password to access it. The system is also protected by firewalls and other technical means. The data that is contained in the register stored in the system is only accessible by and eligible for use by certain, predefined and trained Scandinavian Outdoor employees. The data contained in the register is located in locked and secured premises.

In some cases, such as for storage, analytics or marketing, we need to transfer data to third parties. We have established strict contracts with all of our partners. The contracts take into account the requirements of the law and the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Our partners are under no circumstances authorized to use the data for their own purposes, or to share the data further.

How long do we store the data?

We will store the data for the time required to provide the services described in this Privacy Policy. Personal data from client accounts that are not active will be deleted no later than five years after the last activity. We might have to store some data longer than that, for example due to accounting obligations, if the law requires us. As our customer you can anonymize your client account, which means that all of your personal data will be deleted from your account and from your shopping history. After that you can no longer be identified and the account can not be recovered. You can do this by sending a message to:


How can I see and delete all of my data?

You are always entitled to see your own data and request the deletion of the data. Requests for correction, removal requests or any other requests or questions related to your customer data can be sent to us at

Correcting data

The data controller corrects, removes or supplements the personal data stored in the registry, either on its own initiative or at the customer's request, if the data is incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or out of date for the purpose of its processing. The data subject must contact the data controller's Data Protection Officer to correct the data.

Will my data end up with third parties?

Only in cases when this is required, such as for payment transactions, deliveries or marketing. For example address and contact data is transmitted to parties such as Posti (Finnish postal agency), Matkahuolto (Finnish shipping agency) or DHL. Online store transactions are transmitted to a Finnish marketing and content platform Custobar, which we use for example for email marketing. Online store transactions from most countries are handled by the Swedish payment provider Klarna and the payment data passes via Klarna during the payment transaction. Online store transactions from Russia, Ukraine and China are handled by Finnish payment provider Maksuturva and the payment data passes via Maksuturva during the payment transaction.

These third parties are not permitted to use any data for their own purposes and are only provided with the data needed for the performance of the service. All the data is transmitted via encrypted connection.

This Privacy Policy will be updated as necessary

The world is changing rapidly and new regulations and operational opportunities are coming out at a quick pace. We at Scandinavian Outdoor are actively following these changes and we will update the Privacy Policy whenever needed. You can always find the latest update date at the top left of the Privacy Policy.

Thank you for reading our Privacy Policy. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about storing, processing or using the data. You can contact us at
