Extra tool head kit.
Leatherman Bit Kit - This set enables you to get everything out of your Leatherman! The tool tips fit Charge and Surge models, and the adapter found in the new Wave. Bound in a nylon holder, you get a total of 42 tool tips:
- Hex 1.5mm and 2mm
- Hex 2.5mm and 3mm
- Hex 4mm and 5mm
- Hex 6mm and 1/4“
- Hex 7/32
and 3/16
- Hex 5/32
and 9/64
- Hex 1/8
and 7/64
- Hex 3/32
and 5/64
- Hex 1/16
and .050
- Robertson #3 and #2
- Robertson #1 and Pozi
- Pozi #2 and #1
- Torx #10 and #15
- Torx #20 and #25
- Torx #27 and #30
- Phillips #0 and #3
- Phillips #1 and #2
- Slotted 3/32
and 1/8
- Slotted 5/32
and 3/16