Karttakeskus Evo Päijänne Ilvesvaellus

$ 16.81
Incl. VAT 0 %
15.14 €


A 1:25 000 map printed on waterproof material.

No running ink, no worries of the map ripping apart.

The Evo area is one of Southern Finland’s most popular hiking areas and has ample services. It is also a popular fishing spot. The Päijänteen kansallispuisto national park with its beautiful islands is favoured by boaters and paddlers. The map covers the Evo and Tarus hiking areas, Häme polytechnic forests, nearly the whole of the Päijänne national park and large areas around these. The map also includes the Ilvesvaellus route, Aurinko-Ilves and Päijänne-Ilves connective routes from Evo to Padasjoki and Vääksy.