
Since its start in 1921, Hanwag has developed and produced quality footwear in its headquarters in Vierkirchen, near Munich, Bavaria.

In such rapidly changing times, it certainly is a rarity. For Hanwag, the anniversary is not only a time to celebrate, but is also considered as a commitment. The company is dedicated to craftsmanship, quality, innovation, and the highly skilled employees. A list of mainly conservative values. Yet, more than ever, Hanwag believes that its philosophy is the right choice to ensure long-term growth. Therefore, the new headquarters – including administration and production – remain in Vierkirchen.

Hanwag Banks Winter GTX
Hanwag Banks Winter GTX
Winter version of the popular hiking shoe.
Hanwag Tatra II Wide Lady GTX
Hanwag Tatra II Wide Lady GTX
Women's top quality trek boot with wide last.
Hanwag Tatra II Wide GTX
Hanwag Tatra II Wide GTX
Men's top quality trek boot with wide last. Supportive model.
Hanwag Banks Winter W GTX
Hanwag Banks Winter W GTX
Winter version of the popular hiking shoe.
Hanwag Alta Bunion II Lady GTX
Hanwag Alta Bunion II Lady GTX
Women's waterproof hiking boots with a bunion last.
Hanwag Nazcat GTX
Hanwag Nazcat GTX
Rugged and stable trekking shoes for men.
Hanwag Nazcat Lady GTX
Hanwag Nazcat Lady GTX
Rugged and stable trekking shoes for women.
Hanwag Blueridge ES
Hanwag Blueridge ES
Supple hiking boots for men.
Hanwag Blueridge ES Lady
Hanwag Blueridge ES Lady
Supple hiking boots for women.
Hanwag Banks SF Extra
Hanwag Banks SF Extra
Super comfortable hiking shoes for men, with a spacious Straight Fit last.
Hanwag Laces
Hanwag Laces
Quality laces for Hanwag boots.
Hanwag Bangri Lady
Hanwag Bangri Lady
Supple hiking shoes without a membrane. Women's sizes.
Hanwag Bangri
Hanwag Bangri
Supple hiking shoes without a membrane. Men's sizes.
Hanwag Women's Nazcat II GTX
Hanwag Women's Nazcat II GTX
Rugged and stable trekking shoes for women.
Hanwag Makra Light GTX Lady
Hanwag Makra Light GTX Lady
Light, waterproof hiking boots for women.
Hanwag Makra Light GTX Men
Hanwag Makra Light GTX Men
Light, waterproof hiking boots for men.
Hanwag Men's Nazcat II GTX
Hanwag Men's Nazcat II GTX
Rugged and stable trekking shoes for men.
Hanwag Torsby Low SF Extra Lady GTX
Hanwag Torsby Low SF Extra Lady GTX
Solid hiking shoes with waterproof technology. Straight Fit last for extra room for your big toes.
Hanwag Kalixfors SF Extra GTX
Hanwag Kalixfors SF Extra GTX
Gore-Tex boots for hunters, nature observers and why not hikers as well. Straight Fit Extra last.
Hanwag Torsby Low SF Extra GTX
Hanwag Torsby Low SF Extra GTX
Solid hiking shoes with waterproof technology. Straight Fit last for extra room for your big toes.