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How do I become a club customer?

You can easily become a club customer online here. You can also join the club customer program at checkout in the store by providing your email address. Your email address will continue to serve as a customer identifier in the store, so there is no need for a physical loyalty card.

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Do I have to become a club customer?

You don’t. You can shop with us without becoming a club member, but you will miss out on the club offers in that case.

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What are the benefits of becoming a club customer?

Once a month, you will receive an Outdoor letter in your email along with monthly club offers and other inspirational content. In addition, all receipts are retained in your account, which makes it easier to lodge claims, for example. We also regularly host club events with interesting themes such as trail cooking, winter hiking or hammock hiking.

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How do I update my info on the club account?

Log in to your account here and update the information you want.

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I have joined the club at the store, but now I want to shop online as a club customer. How do I procede?

You have received a link in your email that will allow you to activate your account when you joined. You can then log in to our online store as a club customer. If for any reason you have not received the link, please contact our customer service at sales@scandinavianoutdoor.com.