Calazo Senja Tyvek

$ 15.51
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15.06 €


The Senja area, printed on waterfast material.

This map covers the whole of Senja with high, steep mountains and a typical alpine atmosphere. Here are some of Norway’s most popular areas for top skiing, with peaks like Keipen (938m), Luttinden (759m) and Kvæna (963m).

This is part of Calazo’s modern map series with unique terrain data based on aircraft laser scanning. This means that mountain slopes, waterways, peaks and other natural features are shown in much more detail than in previous maps.

Senjahopen, Segla, Botnhamn, Keipen, Svanfjellet, Husfjellet, Breitind, Luttinden, Ånderdalen National Park, Kvænan