Partiotuote Johtajakansion tarpojaosuus, uusi

$ 7.38
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Scorecard Program Leader Folder Intermediate Share, New Version

The intermediate portion of the scout program leader folder. This is a new version, released in print in August 2017. Includes a tarpoja pilot guide (26 pages) as well as activities (110 pages) and breaks (37 pages). Size A4, four colors.

It is also possible to reconcile the old and new versions of the program in the middle of the age, as there have been no significant changes in the contents of the program.
NOTE You cannot use an old activity card with this new update. The number and names of required feeds are the same, but the contents and names of the activities have changed.
With this update, you must use the “card” found on the website, which will not be available in print. That card can be found [here] (
New additional carpets can be found on the same page [here] (

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